Qiana L. Matthews - Alabama State University
This 2-part session will describe the advancement of drug and gene delivery technologies that can help overcome limitations of getting an active pharmaceutical agent in the body at the right place, at the right dose, at the right time. It will highlight the efforts of local companies and university scientists to increase efficacy of new drugs while limiting potential side effects, all while manipulating delivery systems at the nanoscale.
Part II: Avanti Polar Lipids will showcase their ability to use lipids to manufacture liposomes and nanoparticles that can protect very fragile drugs and DNA sequences from degradation, ensuring the cargo arrives at the site in the body where they need to perform.
A scientist from Alabama State University will share how she harnesses the power of genetic modification of adenovirus, a virus that causes the common cold, to create vaccines for infectious diseases such as HIV or Zika virus.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Oct 7, 2020 03:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: PART II | Good Things in Small Packages - Drug and Gene Delivery in the Age of Nanotechnology
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This 2-part session will describe the advancement of drug and gene delivery technologies that can help overcome limitations of getting an active pharmaceutical agent in the body at the right place, at the right dose, at the right time. It will highlight the efforts of local companies and university scientists to increase efficacy of new drugs while limiting potential side effects, all while manipulating delivery systems at the nanoscale.
Part II: Avanti Polar Lipids will showcase their ability to use lipids to manufacture liposomes and nanoparticles that can protect very fragile drugs and DNA sequences from degradation, ensuring the cargo arrives at the site in the body where they need to perform.
A scientist from Alabama State University will share how she harnesses the power of genetic modification of adenovirus, a virus that causes the common cold, to create vaccines for infectious diseases such as HIV or Zika virus.