Discovery and invention are rapidly advancing new knowledge but, this is not the same as innovation. Innovation is translating that new knowledge from lab to life. Innovation is hard. Less than 5% of funded research actually makes this leap. But innovation is also at the center of creative disruption that is transforming the economic landscape. We can either lead this economic transformation or be dragged by it begrudgingly. If you are interested in the former, this session is for you.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Oct 8, 2020 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Innovation and New Knowledge: A bold vision for Alabama
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Discovery and invention are rapidly advancing new knowledge but, this is not the same as innovation. Innovation is translating that new knowledge from lab to life. Innovation is hard. Less than 5% of funded research actually makes this leap. But innovation is also at the center of creative disruption that is transforming the economic landscape. We can either lead this economic transformation or be dragged by it begrudgingly. If you are interested in the former, this session is for you.