Carter Wells - HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
In Alabama we are fortunate to have leaders such as Senator Richard Shelby advocating for policy and programs designed to fuel our State’s economy. 2020 presents new challenges and our legislators, as well as their staff, have been focused on coronavirus legislation, reshoring efforts, and drug pricing. All three topics are debate worthy, however, the focus of this fireside chat is to discuss specific ideas and focus areas coming out of Senator Shelby’s office.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Oct 6, 2020 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Fireside chat with Andrew Burnett, Legislative Assistant to Senator Richard Shelby
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In Alabama we are fortunate to have leaders such as Senator Richard Shelby advocating for policy and programs designed to fuel our State’s economy. 2020 presents new challenges and our legislators, as well as their staff, have been focused on coronavirus legislation, reshoring efforts, and drug pricing. All three topics are debate worthy, however, the focus of this fireside chat is to discuss specific ideas and focus areas coming out of Senator Shelby’s office.