Josh Clevenger - HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
Brian Hardin - Alabama Farmers Federation
Kyle Bridgeforth - Bridgeforth Farms
Kira Bowen, PhD - Auburn University

Enormous progress has been made in plant genomics and investigators at HudsonAlpha have been at the forefront of providing solutions to the many agricultural challenges. This panel features a collaborative effort from around the state and calls attention to Alabama’s agricultural assets, sustainability, and how genomic based techniques are being applied to improve crop yield for two of Bama’s rising stars - Beans & Barley.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Oct 6, 2020 02:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Next Generation Crops for a Diverse Alabama Agricultural Economy
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Enormous progress has been made in plant genomics and investigators at HudsonAlpha have been at the forefront of providing solutions to the many agricultural challenges. This panel features a collaborative effort from around the state and calls attention to Alabama’s agricultural assets, sustainability, and how genomic based techniques are being applied to improve crop yield for two of Bama’s rising stars - Beans & Barley.