Biotech Innovation and Early Stage Resources and Opportunities: The Importance of Mentorship, Incubation, and Ideation
Date & Time
Thursday, October 8, 2020, 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Alec Santiago Rebecca Vaught Robert Williams Mark Liles

Innovation is the driving force of economic growth. In essence, innovation is an idea, a light bulb moment, and entrepreneurship is the act of commercializing an idea into a reality. This session will focus on those light bulb moments and the steps that immediately follow taking a life science innovation to the next level. We will explore why those light bulb moments and the early-stages of life science innovation and entrepreneurship are critical. We will highlight the hurdles and biases that accompany the stages of a developmental journey entrepreneurs often face. We will discuss why these issues are a serious innovation bottleneck and propose solutions on how to correct course, with particular emphasis how biotech centers - particularly those that are burgeoning in the southern U.S., like Alabama, can improve early-stage life science ideation, innovation, and entrepreneurship. This session will also summarize why generating light bulb moments and providing the right resources for commercializing them is essential for creating a knowledge and technology economy and the relevance of this for the future of STEM in the southern U.S.


You are invited to a Zoom webinar.

When: Oct 8, 2020 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Biotech innovation and early  stage resources and opportunities: the  importance of mentorship, incubation,  and ideation


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Session Description

Innovation is the driving force of economic growth. In essence, innovation is an idea, a light bulb moment, and entrepreneurship is the act of commercializing an idea into a reality. This session will focus on those light bulb moments and the steps that immediately follow taking a life science innovation to the next level. We will explore why those light bulb moments and the early-stages of life science innovation and entrepreneurship are critical. We will highlight the hurdles and biases that accompany the stages of a developmental journey entrepreneurs often face. We will discuss why these issues are a serious innovation bottleneck and propose solutions on how to correct course, with particular emphasis how biotech centers - particularly those that are burgeoning in the southern U.S., like Alabama, can improve early-stage life science ideation, innovation, and entrepreneurship. This session will also summarize why generating light bulb moments and providing the right resources for commercializing them is essential for creating a knowledge and technology economy and the relevance of this for the future of STEM in the southern U.S.