Jonathan Cox - Aerotek
Saksham Narang - The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Amy Sturdivant - HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
James Childs - Maynard Cooper Gale

Join this session to examine the core strengths of Alabama’s bioscience industry and explore opportunities to catalyze continuous, inclusive growth. Panel members will present key findings from primary and secondary industry research including “voice of industry” feedback that comprise BIO Alabama’s Strategic Economic Development Roadmap and proposed recommendations in three focus areas: 1) startup and technology transfer; 2) workforce development; and 3) business attraction and retention.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Oct 7, 2020 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Alabama’s Strategic Bioscience Economic Development Roadmap
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Webinar ID: 840 5436 2303
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Join this session to examine the core strengths of Alabama’s bioscience industry and explore opportunities to catalyze continuous, inclusive growth. Panel members will present key findings from primary and secondary industry research including “voice of industry” feedback that comprise BIO Alabama’s Strategic Economic Development Roadmap and proposed recommendations in three focus areas: 1) startup and technology transfer; 2) workforce development; and 3) business attraction and retention.