Andrew E. Byrd, MBA, PhD - USA Office of Commercialization and Industry Collaboration
Brian Wright PhD, RTTP, CLP - Auburn University
Dan Blakley - University of Alabama
Sat Balachander, PhD - Harbert Institute of Innovation & Entrepreneurship at UAB

Alabama's university technology transfer offices are key drivers of biotechnology startups in our state. Technology transfer offices identify university-generated innovations, obtain intellectual property, and license them to private enterprise. Meet our technology transfer leaders to learn more about the opportunities available and how to engage a university in a licensing conversation.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Oct 8, 2020 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: From Licenses to Spinouts: How Alabama’s Academic Technology Transfer Offices Support Innovation and New Business
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Alabama's university technology transfer offices are key drivers of biotechnology startups in our state. Technology transfer offices identify university-generated innovations, obtain intellectual property, and license them to private enterprise. Meet our technology transfer leaders to learn more about the opportunities available and how to engage a university in a licensing conversation.